Jun 22, 2023

Location 844, Aurele RdCasselman, ON, K0A 1M0Canada
ContactMarouane Bentefrit613 744-3037

Golf tournament 2023

Golf tournament 2023

Partnership Plan

The golf tournament organized by RGA on June 22nd, 2023 is a must-attend event for all golf enthusiasts in our business community. It's an exciting and fun-filled day of golf aimed at providing added value to your members, meeting new people, and, most importantly, enjoying a round of golf.

The tournament will be held at Casselview Golf Club, a francophone golf club in Casselman. Participants will enjoy a light breakfast before starting their game and will be treated to refreshments and snacks throughout the day on the course.

After the tournament, participants can relax and socialize at an awards luncheon. This part of the event will allow participants to meet new business contacts, expand their network, and strengthen existing relationships.

The RGA golf tournament will be a perfect opportunity for our partner-clients to connect, have fun, enjoy the outdoors, and advance their business at the same time. With leading sponsors, fantastic prizes, and a friendly atmosphere, this golf event will be an unforgettable success for all participants.


260 Dalhousie Street
Office 302
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7E4
Téléphone : 613 744-3037
Courriel : info@rga.ca

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